NS = no computer and also no mood for computer hence no blog. Ging. Blogging. Yes, like that.
I don't think I have anything much to
say here.
Hmm... can't say anything bad about training... neither do I wanna say anything good about training... so no talk about training.
Which, unfortunately, takes up most of my week. Which leaves me with nothing much to say here. Have I said that before? ...! YOU SEE!!
I guess I just don't like thinking that my blog is dead. Cos MY blog. Is. Never. Dead. My blog will go on, have many little kids, and grandkids, and is gonna live happily forever and ever... *sniff*
I forgot where it is I put my latest recording of I'm Yours. On PureVolume I think. Anyway I was listening to it again, I didn't like it as much as before, but I'm still in love with myself. Yo Simon, you reading this? Yeah its me. We should hang out again soon. Though its ok if you can't cos I'm sure Fawaz will be free.
This really is going nowhere. So
I'll go somewhere.
Take care, everyone, thanks for reading this. I guess its just fair since I'm always reading all your thoughts. Hah... Whatever the hell is happening in your life now, good or bad, treasure it and make the most out of it. You only get to live each second once so don't complain. And if you ever need a Life Saver you can call me cos I'm in The Life Saving Force, where we Save Lives that need to be saved. Provided they are aLive. And are in a posit..ion... to be... Sav...ed. OkIshutup.
Lotsa love from me to you and Zaboo Mafoo!
Labels: no ligaments
Hmph. Well. What do we have here. You clicked New Post, yet you wonder what is so New about this yet to be Post.
So you write. Because by putting your fingers to the keyboard, stuff appears as if by magick. Oh, you got it now? Your post? Gooood, let it begin...
Dun dun dunnnnnnn...!
This will, very probably, be the last time I'll post till I'm free again. Which will be this Saturday. Will it. Please. Pray! Yes! Grate.
Things go as planned, and they also go in weird directions although you don't plan. But if you be strong and keep doing what's right, everything will end up at the same road... the one that leads to Rome. And why...? Yes, that's right.
I kid. But really, I have spent years locked away in my study, and after much studies and analysis of past observations, I have concluded that all things have a happy Ending. Ending, now, that's where you must understand. An end is an end, but an End is something else. Think about it.
I think its more vascularity now, I'm quite sure, and I'm happy. But I am so close to tears, I couldn't find my pumpkin seeds. You can't have raw oats with hazelnuts and sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds in milk without the pumpkin seeds! The raw oats are no longer raw, they've been substituted with the Instant Quick and Creamy Kind, and the hazelnuts have depleted, so you understand the difficulty I'm in!
I think I'm hoping that my absence in this household will be a good thing for everyone. Like, you know, it might cause them to think differently, maybe get happier, and whatnot. I am still on my mission to transform all their lives, that they may live each second to the fullest, and somehow I've got the feeling that Mr Positive Who Also Happens To Talk To Himself A Lot should take a backseat for awhile. They are awesome people, its time they see it for themselves. I'm too big, see, everywhere they go they only see me staring at myself in a mirror. I love my family.
I also love my second family, and I'll be too happy when we can all get together again.
And, I like this feeling. How do I describe it... well, lemme see...
Its the feeling you get when you find someone that's so precious and golden, you wanna be around that person all the time. What was bad is now good, and what was good now exceeds what you once imagined it could be. Everything seems right, yaknow?
And all because of one person.
Thought I'd just say.
All good things come to your hands, so pray hah
Labels: repotr, thoughts