You're A 'DHWIB'
Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 11:58 PM

Thank God I checked my underwear for ants the other day. My locker at camp has ants crawling around occasionally and boy I wouldn't wanna have em crawling up my- ooh someone's PM-ing me.

It is probably the law of the universe that everything must happen at the same time, and it is at that time that you'd rather have less happen. Go figure hahaha.

I was thinking about law the other day. Strange, innit? Law. Its something we created to ensure everyone is protected, gets to live the way a person Should be able to live and whatever. But the Law is so damn complicated that the person it was created for is almost usually unable to fully utilize this tool, hence requiring the assistance of a third party: a lawyer. Its like having someone pull open and shut your jaw for you so you can chew your food for you; its supposed to be yours but you need someone to help you use it hahaha.

But why must THE LAW be so complicated? We can go on and on in an intellectual debate, we can discuss this top to bottom, but no. I won't settle for that, its just too inconvenient. Instead I'll shove a simple answer under your nose and leave you to do whatever you may with it. So the answer is (and you probably know too. And don't feel insulted, unless you're one of those idiots who contribute to the existence of the The World Isn't Such A Good Place As I'd Like To Tell Myself fund) there are greedy bastards out there who will do all sorts of shit to get what they want, and who want to control things and who are myopic in their thinking. They are the reason why the law is so complicated.

I think.

In the paragraph before, I said you can 'do whatever you may with it'. Well uh, it... it uh tastes nice with chocolate sauce. Yeah tha- yeah chocolate sauce, yeah you jus- uh huh drizzle like so, and uh... yep just like that. There you go.

I must sleep now. Its 12:12 HAHA. Wow. Oh Destiny, you playful thing. Anyway I was nodding off for the past hour or so, I should really be letting the nods progress to something more substantial. I sincerely hope all that makes sense, I'd hate to make a fool of myself now and only realize when people see me along the streets and point and laugh. Yes. Street-people can read.

Exercise, water, more veggies people. Exercise, water, more veggies. itZ-Time.

Holy crap what a lively box of chocolates


'Mad' :D
Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 10:31 PM

Ok a quick one.

I think I have an issue with the phrase 'giving back to the community'. This refers to CIPs. Community Involvement Projects.

While CIP makes sense, I don't see how 'giving back' does. I think I'm right in thinking that it implies the community has given TO you first, so now you wanna give back. There's two ways to look at this: one is you give back to the group that actually gave you something, maybe your school. Its a community right, its got lotsa people.

But what if you give to another group? Like an old folks' home? Where does the Back come in. Is it even Back to begin with? If yes, then the only way I can see how is that these people were involved in the building of the foundations of today's community, something like that, off which you leech and thrive (you no good son of a gun) and so you gotta thank them.

Despite all that, I think the most important thing we must realize is... it doesn't matter. No one gives a shit what you wanna call it. So let us carry on our practice of giving the wrong names to things, excessive abbreviations, augmented-language-to-sound-smart and not drinking enough water.

We need to drink more water. Period.

Stay sharp stay safe and, obviously, drink more water. Everyday. Starting now. DUWIT.

Some heart patients wear a peacemaker



Personal person to myself

this! is!
thimple to use

plural person

therealshard on wp
therealshard on tumblr
therealshard's old bs hahaha
therealshard on purevolume
therealshard on deviantArt
therealshard is everywhere
therealshard is out there
so are all the answers

aintshent history
older than my ancestors

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(i don't know these people)

