Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 1:05 AM

There's a lot going through my mind and time's flying. Flying really fast. Uhm, around 50 miles per minute. No wait second. Ahhh shit wait lemme recalculate.

Oh nevermind.

Amma just write everything out, lay it all here so there's space up in my head so I can reshuffle. Or something. I don't think it actually works anything like that hahaha. Oh well I like writing and shit. So HERE GOES PEOPLE ARE YOU READY!!!

Fasting and training is the most awsm-est thing, like the ultimate test of so many things. It gets really hard sometimes, but I'm glad I've got friends enduring the same thing at the same time. Helps keep you going. Friendship. Buy one now batteries not included k thx.

Sometimes the week gets so tiring and I don't get enough sleep and we gotta do lotsa shit that I haven't got the capacity to miss anything. All I end up looking forward to is a lot of water and sleep. Weird, but interesting. Life Experiences of Muhammad Fawaz. Grab yoru copy today, sold at all AWESOME bookstores. If yo bookstore ain't got it then yo bookstore ain't no bookstore.

I. Have. Shrunk. And lost 5kg, though I've gained almost all of it back hahahah. After Ramadhan, I'm gonna start training again. I need to be big to be beautiful HAHAHAHHAHAHA I like how that came out. Where the heck did I hear that from? Big and beautiful. Hmm, interesting combination.

I love the ukulele amma learn it and play it yeah yeah yeah amma do it.

Today I realized I hadn't sung and talked to myself at the top of my voice, for quite some time. I did it while doing the dishes. As usual. Almost got me wedgied by my beloved uncle who also thinks I'm a walking billboard. I know he's secretly jealous :D

I'm having a helluva time playing Uru. I'm glad I got into it in the first place.

I've only done tarawih at Ba'alwie once so far, and I'm missing it already. I love that mosque, everything about it. Ramadhan's just that bit more special when I get to pray there.

Speaking of which. Things always become awesomer during Ramadhan, as they have been, being, gonna be, bee hive. Alhamdulillah.

I'm glad my family's doin fiiiine. I like coming home, and hanging around, and watching people do what they do from the back of my head cos I got eyes on the back of ma head. I love my family.

I'm gonna google Roll Gliss so I can relearn how to set it up hahahha. Harder kaur or whut.

I was at RJ today, and boy do I miss those days. But if you think about it, its weird innit. That's the place where I got conditional promotion, failed repeatedly, struggled and passed a bit then kept on failing, did poorly for countless exams, not to mention the Bigun, got into trouble here and there. And I figured out why. I spent my time there doing the stuff I wanted to do, and I don't regret it one bit. Funny, eh?

I wanna be a billionairre so- no wait, make that infinitillionairre, so frickin' bad. And along the way and at the way and after the way and whey amma keep helping people and doing stuff to make the world a better place. And I know I'm not alone cos I've seen it, I bear witness that there are awesome people aplenty in this world and together we will overcome the Forces of Darkness... and other nonsense.

I'm glad we're unbelievably psychic, and that you're so understanding. Thanks b :)

Thank God for air katira and cold carbonated sweet drinks and water. Lots and lots of water.

And sugar too.

This is a really special month, and everytime I get to meet it again its a mix of feelings. Happiness. Fear that I won't get to see it again, and sadness that not everyone gives it due respect. Hypocrites out there. But live and let live, and life gets exponentially easier.

Personally I don't think I'll be ready to move on to Syawwal. I dunno. Maybe. Its like having something ripped away from you before you've made full use of it, every bit of it. But God is wise in all his plans so if we do everything to our best ability then InsyaAllah things will happen well.

No standing on my head for some time now. This cannot go on.

Must get more sleep. Like, really.

I'll stop here for now. Eyes are getting dry. My wings are getting a little tired, and all six of my legs need to stretch. I might even need to regrow my incisors later. We'll see.

Till next week, stay happy healthy and keep doing good things people. Everything happens full circle, sometimes the circle is so damn big that you don't see it turning. Just like land, you can't see it circling now, can you? Exercise so we can all be buff and look cool on the streets. Moisturize. yes. Hahahah good night Faceless-ers.

They call me Fawaz for three and a half reasons

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Not Just the Laughter
Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 2:15 AM

Two eleven in the morning, I haven't titled this post.
Its a relatively long weekend, but it seems like there's a lot to cram in.

I'm formatting my old com and installing Ubuntu on it. Why? So whoever picks it up can run the com without hassle and without access to all my files. I'm a nice person *cue angelic chorus bright white light and amaaazing halo* :D

Okay holy moment over.

I wanna get down to writing again; I haven't had the time to just sit and do it in so long, I'm afraid I've lost it. Once upon a time all I had to do was... well... nothing, and ideas would flood my mind and I'd to sieve through them and then my fingers would magically know which words to pen and when to paragraph.

But now the space in my head feels... (yeah my head is full of space) thick. Like I gotta push through to get ideas, but when I finally get a hold of something I find its not as awesome as I'd hoped it was.

I might be overreacting. It'd be such an irony if I wrote about my disappearing could've-had-'em' skillz and it takes the form of something that I think I can no longer achieve. That was poorly phrased, but you get it.

An idea met me while I was hurriedly showering a coupla days back. About why we're afraid of - haha - ghosts and stuff, and it extended to other things. I'll work on that by the time I book in on Monday.

Did I also ever say this? I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions by all my commitments, the people who need me, and all the things I want to do. But instead of me breaking, I'm afraid I'll pull back so hard that everything comes crashing together. Actually I'm not afraid hahah. It just sounded like an interesting concept. Well what would happen if things came together? Is it even possible? That, my friend, is up to YOU to find out. Hahahah yes YOU. I'm not making any sense now, am I?

That must mean its time to go. Of late mine eyes have been dry or sth. But I like the feeling, as though my eyes are puffy maybe with eyebags. Feels like a macho thing to me hahaha. So I'll hold back on the eyedrops for now heh.

There is nothing to fear, go out and be awesome. The world needs awesome people, so whataya waiting for!

Because just because

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Sauna or Later
Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 12:26 AM

I'm a big boy, and big boys don't cry because big girls don't cry, and we all know boys >>> girls.


Ok I'm kidding, I believe in equality. That was just a funky introduction to the first part of today's post, which might not be sucha happy read. Or something to that extent.

Well my mom had to undergo a minor operation, like go in today morning come home tomorrow morning. I don't wanna elaborate cos even though I don't have any issues with sharing so much with the world (sometimes. Haha) I feel it'd be disrespectful to my mom's privacy.

So anyway it was on Friday morning, the op, and I called home on Thursday night just to talk to my mom. I didn't know what to say or whatever, I remember asking her what time the operation was. I had asked her the Sunday night before, before I walked away from the car into the gates of CDA, but I didn't listen to her reply cos all I was doing was try to stretch the time I could spend talking to her. I didn't wanna go into camp because that'd mean I couldn't be with her till op day. Plus I had to play it cool and macho.

On Thursday when I spoke to Mak it was different, this time I listened to what she said. Like, that was the only thing of her that I could take away from the conversation, so I had to take in Everything. And I remember towards the end of the phonecall my heart was heavy as HECK (I just don't feel like saying hell, like... not nice ah hahahah), and the closer I got to it the more I thought I felt like crying. I remember a part of me screaming to tell Mak that I loved her, but another half was like wtheck that's so not-me/weird/something like that. But in the end I did, it went like this:
Bye mak
Bye sayang
(almost blurted out but tried very hard to sound steady) I love you
(pause) I love you too
Then I put down the phone and breathed, and I can't remember the next few seconds. Heavy moment.

Since I'm still thinking of the story, I wanna thank Nabhan for showing concern. I didn't realize it, but I must've sounded really different while on the phone cos he sensed it. Actually, I've got a lot of camp people to thank. They make it possible for me to be on about stuff and not dread shit and whatever. Thanks ah fellas, yall full of shit but its the good kinda shit.

SO back to topic. Laaaaater on I thought about how it'd be when I live by myself or sth. I guess I might not be homesick so much, but I'd always wanna be there for my family for anything that might be made better off if I were there. It is possible that I won't feel that way, but I'm telling myself now that I want to, so I will.

Anyway I miss going to the gym. I miss the whole feel of it, everyDAMN THINGOFGYMMING ARGHHHHHHHHH. At this rate, I'm sure I won't stop gymming till I'm officially unable to gym or sth.

Oh and I've been thinking twice about taking psychology. I originally intended on penning my thoughts, but since I'm keyboarding now I might as well get some stuff out. You could read and think about it and try to tell me only to realize that I don't wanna listen cos I'm drowning in my sorrows, slowly sinking into the shadows of my little corner of the world where nobody cares to look, where light is never cast, where thoughts never stray to. And its there that you'll see me try to disappear, held back only by the fact of your observation. It sounds depressing, but you don't see that I'm laughing and having the time of my life.

Hahahah why do I keep doing that. Why Fawaz? Okay I'll ask him later. L8r. Alligater. Allig8r. Alligaver. All I gave her. Hmm, interesting.

Sooooo, psychology. I like it, its fun. I like watching people and shit. Haha no not watching shit as in feces but like youknowyouknow ok you know. I like exploring all this mind nonsense.

Psychology is largely baseless iThink. There's nothing concrete, no formulas, no guaranteed outcome. Its hypotheses vs hypotheses, each one making up his own rules based on empirical data. But quantified observations of a nonquantifiable subject matter just don't seem real enough for me.

What's it like then? We think as hard as we can about what's in us, oh the irony, and in the end come up with what could be a working framework. Try to fit in as many people into it as possible, then come up with a list of Exceptions, and figure out how to sound more convincing that the next fella.

It could be useful, still. If the trends you observe are really that replicable or identifiable, then voila, who gives a shit if you haven't plotted a graph of it. If you can work with it then do it. What, no one can tell you what the truth is because no one actually knows, so you create one that works for you? And in this case one that could apply to the majority?

I'm stopping here, my eyes are tired and I

uAmuse m3 iLike

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plural person

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therealshard is out there
so are all the answers

aintshent history
older than my ancestors

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