Friday, April 2, 2010 at 1:19 AM

Its Sleep Early Week so this is gonna be short. I foresee a part 2 of sleeping early, and I'm looking forward to that. You know what! Let's up the ante. Next week, starting Monday, will be Sleep Early and Be Technology Free Week.

That means, no:
Television (I've so outgrown the TV anyway... hah)
iPod aka iPoop which means no MUSIC. AH SHIT
I think that's about it.

I really really really wanna go techless for a week, tech is such an intrusion at times. And unnecessary. So many things I can actually do without that I've forced upon myself, created a reliance of. That, ladies and gentlemen, is nawt good.

MY SPEAKERS DIED. Just died, no explosion fancy lights sound effects nuthin', just DIED.
2 reactions.

1- F*@#?!?!?!

That means I can get new speakers, which is, again, both good and bad. I won't elaborate. You don't need to know. We're done here.


I had half a headache setting up my dad's email on the other com, so I'll give you the distilled process. The only prerequisite is that you use Thunderbird, which isn't much to ask. In fact I'm literally asking you to do yourself a favour. Oh and this isn't a fresh setup, its if you want the same thing you had on an old com, on a new one.

1) On your old com:
My Computer > Tools > Folder Options > View tab > Check: Show hidden files and folders > Ok
Now go to your main drive, usually C
C: > Documents and Settings > 'username' >
i.e. the name of the current user profile that you're logged in as
Application Data > Thunderbird > Profiles

Inside the folder 'profiles' there's one folder whose name is randomshit.default, where 'random shit' is an assortment of random characters and numbers. Open that folder, and copy everything inside it. To a thumbdrive or whatever.

Go to your new com, install Thunderbird. When they ask you to setup an email account, cancel it. Make sure Thunderbird is closed. To check, invoke (I love this word invoke. Invoke. Invoke. Ahhh... I.N.V.O.K.E.) the task manager: Ctrl + Alt + Del
Click the Processes tab, look for thunderbird. Ain't there? Good. Is there? Click End Process.

You're still on the new com. Take a deep breath, this is crucial. So are the next few steps. Mess 'em up and your com's gone forever. No pressure.

Use your fantabulous memory to bring yourself to the Thunderbird > Profiles folder. In here the shit.default file is of a different name. We don't worry about that. Instead, open that folder, and chuck everything you saved on your thumbdrive, innit. A message will appear asking you if you really wanna replace this and that, just click 'Yes to All' aka 'Yes wtf I know what I'm doing stop bugging me'.

Aaaaaand yer done. Invoke Thunderbird, and voila! It'd be like staring at your other com, only its not! Btw, I should've mentioned earlier, everything outlined only works on XP/2000. If you're running Vista then the stuff is stored somewhere else. Google's your new best friend. *sniff* I'm sorry, I would've - *sniff* but you knowwww, how it- what?! HUH? I WASN'T YUOR BEST FRIEND TO BEGIN WITH?

edit: forgot to credit ehow.com, the site that I learnt the technique from.

Now, some Active Positivism.
I don't have a sore throat, my voice is just rough and cool. I don't have a flu, I just drank too much water. I don't have a fever, I'm just HAWT. I don't have ulcers on my lips, they're just natural marks of Hardcoreness. And no, I'm not sick.

No I'm not sick, I'm just sexy.

About lips: if you want 'em plump and juicy and kissable, try this. Smack 'em around, pinch 'em hard, put them in a book and close hard, flick them, and finally ask someone for a good one-two. Now your lips are beautifully puffy, tender and lush, anyone would wanna kiss 'em. Don't forget your mask!

And btw, I'm convinced this whole new diet thing's working out (HAH PUN) and working well. I've definitely grown taller. I'm a whopping 1.8m now, and by next Sat I should be around 1.9 ++. Haven't taken measurements but reflectionwise it seems I've put on some muscle, though my weight has only increased by 2kg max. Increased vascularity ttM, I've got veins everywhere it'd be so easy to cut and let me bleed ta death. And I'm prettttty sure I'm leaner now. Check out the G.L.A.D thang if YOU wanna see a CHANGE in YOUR life. I know it says Bodybuilder's diet, but really, its for anyone. You just gotta not take the protein shakes and hey presto.

And, thank God, I haven't any photos to murder you with. Either way, from now to infinity all obscene/nude photos will be on my tumblr instead. Head on there if you're a right pervert or a guy who likes to stare at other guys' bodies WITHOUT getting turned on.

Anyway, anyway's a scary word. Hah. Hahahahhaha. Hmm, yeah, think about it.

Semi triceps are the one point fivers

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this! is!
thimple to use

plural person

therealshard on wp
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therealshard's old bs hahaha
therealshard on purevolume
therealshard on deviantArt
therealshard is everywhere
therealshard is out there
so are all the answers

aintshent history
older than my ancestors

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