I'm forced to face the shitty truth that An Ass can be very brain-deadening. Maybe its a given, I know a lot of people have said it, but I've been quite reluctant to accept it till recently. The whole idea that something can be so useless is just slippery in my mind. Too optimistic hah. SO anyways after about a month into my posting I already have a good gauge of how my next one year plus (one year... dayumn. Haha.) is gonna be like. And its gonna be full of a lotta free time in the middle of the day.
That's so unfair! Cos that's when I'm supposed to be in camp when I wanna be out of it. Out Of Camp is where I can do so much more. And really, sometimes there's no work to be found, or its so mundane and unnecessary that I get bored really quick. I've literally LOOKED. FOR. WORK. Not very like the Fawaz we've all come to know and love. Yes. You know you love me. Alright you can stop touching me now. HAHA I like doing this whole pseudo-full-of-myself thing (technically I'm really mostly full of myself, while the rest is whatever I ingest. True?).
The thought has always been lurking around, but today I wanna make it official. I don't want my brain to die cos of An Ass. So when I have free time I will try to sit and write something or whatever. I wrote something just now, I want my mom to read it first haha. It might go to my wordpress instead of here, araknow somehow I feel my WP is a better platform for that kinda stuff. Its like a museum while this is a... a... araknow another thing that's much less refined and so much more volatile and unpredictable. Museums aren't really like that.
And as far as possible I wanna come back to my blog with something constructive to say. I was thinking maybe a short essay or something (dissertation? Is that a longer or shorter version? I don't know and I can't be bothered to find out now. Mehhhhhh.) cos SOMEHOW I find thinking like that fun. Maybe its cos it was taken away from me for long enough that I realize how truly satisfying mental work is. Like schoolwork and stuff. Buuuut it gets frustrating when I try to learn something and it just whooshes past me. Like physics, it accelerates at 9.81 metres per second square HAHA. Anyway back to topic.
(Haha the time is 10:01. That's like lool on my clock. Lol is laugh out loud so I guess that makes lool laugh out OUCH loud or something. Whatever.)
(Wow I made that digression into a paragraph. I gave it its own frickin' space! That's a milestone, people. Oh no I might do it again.)
Dang I did. SOoooooOOOOooOoo anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I wanna get mah noggin a-workin'. Let's see how well this goes. Oh and I finally (fiiiinally) got a new phone! If you remember, I was using a rabak K800i phone simply because its the best phone in the world (although it could be bester if it were slimmer had a better camera and Wi-Fi). And I spent forever looking for a new phone cos there just weren't any that I liked. I was so against the idea of a full touchscreen phone at first, but then I realized that's the only kinda nonsense they're actually marketing now. The keyboardish phones these days aren't as cool as before and they don't sport the coolshit things their nakeder brethren are loaded with.
In the end I kinda fell in love with the LG Optimus 7 and the whole Windows Phone 7 idea. I mean everyone has an iPhone, that just turns me off, so I wanted something different. In the end I got it, and I'm pretty quite darn happy with it.
But some advice before you decide to get a WP7 phone yourself: this OS seriously action pandai ttm. I know too many options can interfere with a smooth end-user experience, and can make the whole thing seem too complicated. Apple struck a relatively good balance with its iOS nonsense, but I think WP7 overdid it. I haven't found a frickin' option to clear all the contacts in my phone, I can't remove facebook pictures from my photo gallery (everyone's bloody pictures pop up in MY gallery! My! Frickin! Gallery! I don't want your bloody facebook uploads there!), I CAN'T ROTATE A FRICKIN' PICTURE. That was just ridiculous, that last one, I almost slammed my phone down.
The GUI (is it called a GUI?) is pretty simple actually. Plain text against plain backgrounds, plain menu tiles, its all very minimalistic. So you might get bored of it if you're a, uh, colourful person? And being very young, don't expect a whole lot of apps in the marketplace, nor any significant jailbreaks. Maybe the latter will come soon, these hackers are brilliant. But until a major update or something, I'm left with a at-times-constricting phone, but otherwise a delight to use. Oh and the photos always come out dark haha. Shit you know what its like I have so many complains. Better shut up and be happy with what I have before I'm, araknow, struck by lightning or something.
I getta sleep asap so its time to say goodbye. Keep your blood sugar level low and drink lotsa water! Keep safe smart and sharp kthxbye
The mess murderer secretly served the students dinnermite