AND I might actually be moving to wordpress FOREVAAAAAA. I've been posting there a lot recently, and I kinda like the tone and feel of it. It was started by a, um, mature-er (?) part of me so its like nonsense free.
HMM so maybe this should be preserved for my nonsense stuff? Yeah that actually makes sense. I can't run away from the nonsense, I can't run away from myself ohmyGoddidijustsaythat.
That's the problem with overcompartmentalizing your blogability, and an over-enthusiasm in that stupid moniker 'therealshard'. Which led to some sort of paranoia that someone out there might somehow arrive at that very permutation of letters and decide to pee in its name ie. mark his territory... WITH MY NICKNAME. There's a therealshard dot and at every- okay not every, but a kinda (maybe not so much) significant number of internetz thingz. Possessive Indian Boy. Well better that Possessed Indian Boy. That'd be scary as hell. I'd shit my pants. And then the shit might take on a life of its own OOoOoOooOhhhhh.
Ok yeah I'm preserving this blog for nonsense like this. As a matter of fact I took a short break from a post-in-writing on my wordpress. Wanted to announce the possible closure of this blog but hey look where we are now. Didn't think we'd come so far but, wow! You're a real darling.
Stay all darlingy and stuff, be happy and read my wordpress. Useful stuff there that smart people told me that I think will be of use to you.
Labels: mystifizmschnickum, sharing machine, thoughts