We Are Seventy!
Friday, January 28, 2011 at 9:38 AM

EDIT! The videos are now here, at the end of this post.

I know I made a list of things to write about next, but screw it. More important things have surfaced and it is my duty to prioritize. Sooooo I present you with: stuff.

DID. YOU. KNOW. therealshard.blogspot.vom, yes, VOM, FRICKING VOM NOT COM will bring you here too. Ok so its not just my blog, I wish it was, but like Teh Internetz auto corrects you. Do you know what that means?
Yes... it reads your frickin MINDS.
HAHA unintentional.

I think I've mentioned this before, my whole I Can Hear Voices phenomenon. Sometimes when I'm really damn super tired and really must sleep for the love of Pete (who's Pete?) but my macho/idiot mind-side kicks into turbo and I end up not sleeping, I go into this altered state of consciousness (I love my altered states of consciousness. They're so different) and hear voices everywhere/somewhere. BUT YESTERDAY. LAST NIGHT. Around 2am-ish, I was frickin' WOKEN UP. WOKEN UP. WOKEN UP BY A FRICKING VOICE. Sounded like my mom asking me if I didn't want anything to cover my eyes. Lengthy description:
I was sinking into a Sleep, I guess that's when your mind uncloses itself and that's when you are liberated from the constraints of Reality. Suddenly everything is possible and you aren't afraid to stare into the many other possibilities that you never knew existed. HWOW. So anyway I half dreamt half realized and half thought (I am one and a half man) (or you could add a 'percent' there and make a joke and laugh) I was checking my smses or sth, and when I was about to keep my phone I heard my mom's voice. At that point I kinda turned on my side, and that's where the dream blended with reality, seamless transition really. Or so I thought. Because while I Thought I was awake, I suddenly realized it was mfking hard to move, like sleep paralysis fo shizz. That's when I Struggled and WHOOSH broke out of my shell of Sleep and was in the exact position I thought I'd be in.
Oh and earlier I heard my father talking too but obviously not him cos I could hear him snoring in the other room, but the voice was like from behind me. Awesome.

My uncle says I'm confirm turning metro hahahaha. I thought I always was on the inside hahaha.

This I did which annoyed me thoroughly. I was innerly flusterdly unrestful. I asked one of my brothers to do something, and he was being Such. An. Ass. Taking his own sweet time and moving suuuuuper slowly, and you know WHAT, I almost started counting down. What got me really worked up is the fact that that's what I do @work as an instructor. And like freakkkkkkk AM I CHANGINGGGGGNOOOOOOOOO

I wanted to be really famous and be like internationally known and popular but I'm not sure anymore. I mean how will my kids grow up if their father has that kinda status. And why should people even know me, is that really important? I wanna change the world, but I can do that anonymously too. One of the silent forces driving the whole damn world towards the right direction. Many people are doing that already so maybe I'll just join em.
But dang it'd be nice to be famous.
BUT I think I'd rather not have that.

About kids again, I'll make sure my kids know what its like to suffer and to make tough choices and to have to work for what they want, so they won't grow up to be spoilt brats and so they'll be able to empathize with the less fortunate and be good people and we can all sit around a table and do good things and like, yaknow, move the world together. Haha move. What a choice of word.

Anyway I was feeling hardworking and decided to upload my alien post-mortem video and stuff, but my old phone ain't got no batt no more cos it ballooned so I threw it away. Now my card reader is hanging on me, so looks like its another 3 years before the video goes up.

In the meantime, other nonsense:

Whoops don't have my video converting software. Later then haha.

The hose was having an...
Let's leave it at that cos I know you know, yaknow?

This was taken about a week before I started my new medication I think.
Oh wait! I never had any medication!
That explains everything...
Btw the music just happened to be playing haha seriously.

Alien autopsy soon. Gotta figure a way of getting the file off my M2 card.

Say cheese for ice cream

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Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 10:11 PM

I have a photo of this! Aha!

Someone decided to be funny and folded the paper so it'd look that way.


Important lessons from Burlesque: (haha)
  1. Opportunities have a lifespan
  2. Guys are assholes
  3. Girls can be naive
  4. Eyeliner is sexy
  5. You'll only get what you want if you go all out for it
  6. Please wear a bra
Comin' up soon: YouTube videos you could and maybe should watch, some awesome workout routines, a facial care routine that I think can work, WHY I DID NOT GET AN IPHONE 4 and other nonsense.

Gotta sleep. We all gotta sometimes.

Stay healthy and hydrated and well rested and sufficiently active. SING in the lift but step maintain a floor before yours and walk out like nothing happened.

Fact or friction

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Font Test I C Again Part 2
Monday, January 10, 2011 at 10:47 PM

I missed out caps. Since 'I hate you' sounds so negative amma replace it with a more family-friendly phrase.

I like cheese.
I like cheese.
I like cheese!
I like cheese!
I like cheese.
I like cheese.

There, I think that looks about right.

I'm gonna sleep now, but when I wake up it won't be better and it won't go away. That's the stuff of fairy tales but right now I'm living a blockbuster action-packed thriller. That's my life and it's awesome and its going on sale for only 39.95! HWOW!

Ok gtg I'm really tiiiirrrreeeddddd.

Plenty water plenty rest and LESS FRIGGIN RICE/CARBS.

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Font Test Ic
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 8:56 PM

I'm playing these games, I love them.
Spider: Mystery of Bryce Manor (part of your purchase goes to charity how AWESOME IS THAT. And not just any charity, it's Child's Play. I mean, like, Child's Play.
Cause of Death. What can I say, I make a great detective.
High Noon. I once thought I hated the characters so I won't play the game. I still think the characters look like douchebags but I'm friggin hooked.
Osmos: this I wanna play but haven't.
Those are all on the iPoop btw.

I started on a four week workout program I saw in Men's Health, only to realize today I kinda misinterpreted a part of it.
This is week 2. I've decided, to hell with it, let's just do it my way.
Then at the end of the four weeks I'll take a break and then start on the Real thing.
I'll share the workout here sometime.
A coupla good ones I found.

I gotta spend time now thinking and doing stuff for my further education because I didn't do it when I was supposed to.
I.e. in school. I didn't kill myself to get good grades (I know I would've died).
But I sure as hell don't regret how I spent my time.
I look back at my school days and I think, geez that was a lotta fun.
I've got lotsa good memories and remember lots and LOTS of things from school.
I take it that was my time to be young and foolish and careless and make stupid mistakes.
Now that I'm semi-grown up (not really) and I've had all the schoolfun I wanted to have,
I can be serious about the things I wanna and needa do.

I wish I could post so many pictures here but its a hassle to upload 'em from my phone. I mean I gotta plug here plug there ah shit phone's right in front of me but cable's in the bag. Dayumn. Just when I thought 'Hey its quite achievable after all!' Here's stuff already in the com:

I only see one word, PEDO.

One word: moulage.

The world around me is disgusting. Not always, but noticeable enough. I read somewhere about this fella who tried to change the world then couldn't so instead tried to change his country but failed. Moved down the line to town to family before realizing, on his deathbed, that maybe if he had just changed himself first he could have changed everything else. I'm changing myself, I don't know whether to hope to see everything else change, or to say I don't see much changing around me. Something to ponder about another time. Font test next. If you play CoD you'll see the link.

I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you!
I hate you!
I hate you.
I hate you!
I hate you!

Hit Esc to Ape out.

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Personal person to myself

this! is!
thimple to use

plural person

therealshard on wp
therealshard on tumblr
therealshard's old bs hahaha
therealshard on purevolume
therealshard on deviantArt
therealshard is everywhere
therealshard is out there
so are all the answers

aintshent history
older than my ancestors

August 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
December 2012

(i don't know these people)

