A Cuppa Vasculari Tea
Friday, April 29, 2011 at 10:18 PM

Every time I sign in to blogger, I see that this blog has only 70+ posts. I swear its been like that for a year now, even though I'm sure I've... nevermind.

And its kinda (a little) (no not really actually) creepy that the only semi-manifested guests on my blog are semi-unmenifestable people. I'm trying to sound smart here, work with me.

Its now politick time in Singapore, and whilst I try to act grown up sometimes (believe me its hard, and sometimes I wonder why I do it), it gets to a point where I quickly recoil, almost painfully, from the acid pool of whatever it is like to be adult. That 'point' is usually reached within five minutes of any effort to Be Adult.

I don't get it, why do adults have to be so... CHILDISH? Kids are way better at that stuff, and let's face it, they just do it right. Ok time to explain myself.

I'll zoom straight into it: rallying and publicizing. Most common method: posters. How they **** this up: one party puts a poster here, then the next day you find the other party's poster above it, maybe a half size bigger. And if that's not enough, they might even throw in another poster above that just to show who's boss.

Meeting the people: They're gonna be voting, so it makes sense. But visiting them in, uh, McDonald's? People go there to eat. Heck if I were having a meal and one of these people come up to me to say hi and try to touch my hand or something I'll just go (in one of my Fun accents): DHOOD can't ya see I'm trying to eat? Don'-DON'T TOUCHME. (I could go on and on and ON but I'll save the comic parts for another time. HMMMMMMM I like writing funny things.)

And if they really, honestly believe that making hand contact is goodish, then why not just split up so eveyrone in the room gets to touch everyone o ya handZ. A lotta times I see them walking in single file-ish for a big part of the time, and so only like a LUCKY FEW getta shake. Regardless, you can tell some of them aren't interested, some even repulsed at the idea of shaking some fella's hand. Can't really blame them on that part, I've seen idiots digging their noses in public, scratching here scratching there. At least wipe on yourself or something but noooo you just wanna frickin' SHARE YOUR SHIT.


Lastly, if you wanna rally, make it AWESOME. Don't come out with a stupid hairstyle, try to act cool, read off your script, and then end it lamely. Hype the crowd! Get a mosh going! Bodysurf! Heck you could set something on fire if you need to! (Because SCDF will be there in less then 8 mins and they'll whoop that fire's ass with style and everyone will be happy. No, happiER cos they got to see something damn cool.) (Sigh wish I could turnout.)

I saw a clip of this someone's speech on tha noows. Like, News 5 Tonight. Person was at the mic, a guy on each side. Think it was a she. Yeah positive now. At the last word, she pumped her fist in the air. Guy on her right did the same, although a little laggy and unenthusiastically. Guy on her left lifted his arm... to adjust his spectacles. And that was it. I was embarassed for them.

I think I wanna write to the Forum or something, about how campaign guidelines should take into account the environmental impact. And voters should think about all this too. I don't have too cos I'm too young haha suck on that, old beatches, you go queue up and vote while I do something FUN.

I know Pierre Png looked rreeeaal excited when he was explaining about the whole voting process. Him and his cool bag and beard.

Haha and I thought 'political party' was supposed to be fun, like, you know, party, heh.
Heh... *ahem* Well.

Whale time done (well I'm done).

I'm so happy my workouts have been going well. My back feels a little sheeshy a lotta times but ohwellwhatever.

I'M. Gonna go now.

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Who knows? Leaky knows
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 10:18 PM

Its been a tiring week so far, and theees two days left. After a long day of filming our firefighting drills (in the hot sun. Ok maybe i'll explain this whole BTM thing some other time), I was tempted to skip today's workout. But in the end i went to the gym anyway, got home a little later than usual, feel quite tired now, but totally think it was totally worth totally it. Totally. There's no reason you can't do something, if you really want it.

The kinda bad thing is that i feel tired and have a ' look at me i'm tired' eyes feeling, but my eyes don't look tired. I stared at my face and it doesn't come across as tired. Well okay i guess that's good, but then people might think i've just been slacking around hahaha.

I'm still determined to get a magazine cover body. And thank God i still keep my religion close to heart. Please don't ever get too caught up in other things that you forget to practice your faith as much as you should be. I almost forgot how much relief reading the Quran can bring. Reading a surah from memory is still good, but man its a whole lot more awsm if you literally sit and read. I should say here that i'm proud of the people in my life who hold on strong to Islam and put in effort to improve themselves. You have my respect and admiration.

And in scary news...

I think i'm growing up. I ate some chilli padi and it didn't cripple me and i kinda enjoyed it.


Amma sleep on that thought. Whatever.

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They Neverunaway
Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 12:58 AM

Don't. Be. Distracted by the little things. They
make you feel
all TINGLY and NICE inside
but it is a hollow nice that seeks to
COMPLETE ITSELF (like a parasite) by
igniting a desire in you.
(A desire) for more of it, to know all the kinds
of niceness and oohs and aahs.
These are distractions.
These are distractions.
These are distractions.

Don't get distracted.

In (personally) less scary things (yes its scary to me. All that text was spawned of fear), I can't get Bioshock to load. Its frustrating because:
1) I wanna play Bioshock
2) I am a gamer and have yet to play a GAME.

I can't get my recordings from my phone to the com just yet (bloody WP7 and all its genius shizz...), so I can't do another mix I had worked on awhile ago. More Than Words by eXtreme (that how you spell it? Or is it just Extreme. Wtv, eXtreme looks extremely AWSM).

My goal is to have a magazine cover body. The two big factors: diet and working out.
Now this diet thing has gotten me thinking a lot, caused a lotta frustration and whatnot, and I'm not sure if I've said this before but amma say it again. This time I'll start from the, uh, start.

I was on a low GI diet for maybe a month, prior to enlisting. Almost every meal of mine was different from the rest of my family, so that caused a little problem there. Although I had to get a lot of other ingredients and stuff, I think it was a pretty good investment. Didn't cost too much, and my body responded favourably and quickly. I got considerably leaner, and then I enlisted. And then it all went away kinda. I got bigger in some ways during training, but was not as defined as while on my diet.

For over a month now I think (maybe longer. Yeah should be longer. Eh no wait. Ah forget it) I've been on M.A.N.S. Simply put, a low carb high fat high protein diet. Less than 30g carbs from Sunday to Friday 6pm, from then to Sat midnight you've got a little more slack.

This has been working well for me, but sometimes I'm a little restricted, in that I can't always get something good to eat when I need to. Cos I'm at camp. Bleagh.

SO I've given it a lotta thought, and this is my new diet summmmmmarized:

I, Muhammad Fawaz, shall continue to apply the M.A.N.S. principles in my diet, with the following additions:
If it is my rezeki to have some other food then I will willingly accept it eg. someone buys me lunch or I'm with friends and we share something.
I will try my best (judging by the situation I'm in) to avoid foods that are 'unfavourable' to my diet, however my mindset is this: no food is bad. If Allah made it halal it means it is good for you in some way or another, so who the heck are you to reject it. Whatever you eat, must be in moderation.
I will eat more vegetables. (God that must be the hardest part. Me and veggies are like... yaknow,
like that. We're not always the best of friends, though we're not enemies, you know where I'm coming from?

My long term goal is to get my entire family to CHANGE. I don't see that possible because everyone is so stubborn, and when it comes to getting the groceries or whatever my advice could turn things into an argument (maybe). And I'm not sure, but if I have things my way we might end up spending more. Actually I don't think so. Yeah it won't. I guess that just means I gotta figure it all out before I take control of my family's diet.


I don't see why people should be fat if they just do things right. A flat stomach is the way to go!

Sometimes I wish I had nice photos to share. But I don't. Sooooo..... I'll share more words instead. Could I have said 'instead then'? Sounds rightish but might be wrong.

OMG I JUST REALIZED people sleep at night.


When policeman r tired they make arrest

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Personal person to myself

this! is!
thimple to use

plural person

therealshard on wp
therealshard on tumblr
therealshard's old bs hahaha
therealshard on purevolume
therealshard on deviantArt
therealshard is everywhere
therealshard is out there
so are all the answers

aintshent history
older than my ancestors

August 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
December 2012

(i don't know these people)

